We started in 2015 and we're straight out of industry. We know it well. We take great pride in our manufacturing & quality. We control our supply chain from sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, assembly, and distribution. We have total-line-of-sight of our entire supply chain.
The problem with sellers, vendors, or online "middle-men" whose business model is to only buy from factory xyz to sell to you, is that quality isn't really within their gift.
We design, build, and test each unit for the correct output of UV and those that didn’t make the grade are simply thrown away in the trash. That’s our promise. Because engaging in bad practices and quality cutting will be a punch in the gut for bad reputation.
Instead we design and build at the uvBeast labs. So WE know and YOU know, what we're passing on to you.
There's fierce competition among copycats, resellers, and sellers who buy from the same factory. UV flashlights may look similar and be priced differently. But if it doesn't have our name, it's not the same.
Although you've got a bargain basement UV light, you'll be throwing it out relatively soon. Why?
We care about the UV industry and its reputation, so we're here to give you a product that does UV justice.
That wasn't our description. It was given to us by our customers. Users are at the heart of what we do, so much so, that we’ll always go the extra mile to provide support that’s top-notch, even if that means going beyond warranty! We've got your back, and we won't leave you in the lurch.
Generic mass produced UV flashlights by factory xyz have no compelling reason to extensively user test - why should they? They don't directly serve the end-user (you). They mark their own homework! Our design is user-centered. Our R&D people are not asleep. Each model is prototyped based on the latest user feedback, and the necessary improvements and upgrades are made by us BEFORE entry into the market. That way you're getting a proven UV flashlight and avoiding something that in practice turns out to be a dud.
Many vendors are motivated by their bottom-line profit. As for reputation? Who cares, the prices are low enough to ward off returns and comeback. The positioning at low prices is a lure for your attention. We've been in industry for ages. We know the costs, we know what separates good UV flashlights from the bad. We know the shady practices. We don't chase profit. We chase a solid reputation with quality products. That's our motivation for quality to you. The sale merely follows.
Order right now with confidence! Try it out for 30 days and if it doesn’t work for you, you’ll get your money back! There’s absolutely no-risk in giving it a try. No questions asked, you can get your money back!
uvBeast UV flashlights will suit every job, big or small. Whether you're looking for pet stains, scorpions, fluid leaks, curing glue, fishing, exploring mines and caves, or just about anything else. Locating pet or human urine becomes that much better under the UV intensity, and the long range flood beam will flush out those elusive and dangerous scorpions like you’ve never experienced. And other applications such as sanitization inspection, UV curing, leakage detection, commercial NDT, glassware detection, artwork appraisal, and more. It'll be that more effective with high intensity UV.
High intensity UV will bring transformational results that will astound you, and change the way you work.
And to top it all off our Customer Service has been called “Legendary” by consumers who we’ve had the pleasure of doing business with. Consumers are at the heart of what we do, so much so that we’ll always go the extra mile to provide support that’s top-notch, even if that means going beyond warranty. We won't leave you in the lurch.
We engineer, design, and build from scratch. It’s what we do. We know the ingredients that go into a great UV flashlight to exceed your needs. The level of UV is so intense, it’ll take you to the next level of ultraviolet beam use, including the convenience of using it in lighted conditions.
We’ve added more juice to make this UV flashlight shine like a Beast. We’ve taken care of the substrates, nanostructures, sandwich layering, Quantum Well, distribution of UV radiant intensity, and the UV flux density band, so all these can take care of you. We weren’t happy with a feeble trickle of UV, so we give you an explosion of UV out at the business-end!
“Out of the box the item didn't work. Looked online to see if the manufacturer site had any solutions for it. Followed the steps. Will update on company's customer service. Update - So the company uvBeast has sent a replacement. Definitely is working as shown. The company has great customer service, they helped me troubleshoot my issues very fast! uvBeast thank you very much.”
- Cruz887, USA
“Super brightness I use it even in daylight, long lasting battery charge, but the best of all is the awesome customer service, special thanks to the uvBeast team”
- Spencer, USA
“The performance description on the site is totally accurate, as my hunting arrows show up 10 - 15 feet away even in the daylight! Contacted uvBeast directly through their website due a bad battery and within a few minutes the problem solved. They shipped another complete unit, that same day. Customer service is outstanding!!!”
- AG Shane, USA
“The uvBeast Version 3 by far exceeds any other uv light out there! This uv flashlight has tickled my son and his friends to no end. Initially he used the uvBeast to make his 3D prints to glow in the dark GREAT with no problems what so ever. In the past we used “cheap” uv lights to make his Halloween pumpkins glow with little luck. Here comes V3 and all his glow in the dark prints come to life! The service from uvBeast was totally 5 stars as well. We were sent a complete how to use the uvBeast to its fullest extent. We went and purchased the V2 and that too is GREAT as well. My hat is off to uvBeast and its fine products. My only question now is to make headlights that shine as bright as your uvBeast?”
- Jane, USA
We're so confident about our products, so we stand behind them 100%. Not just because we made them and know them like our kids, but also because we have 1000s of real customers who've been delighted with the results & seismic improvements our UV flashlights deliver. We're proud to say that we can actually put our UV claims where our mouth is!